Tuesday, May 21, 2019 | 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Can Unconditional Cash Impact Health Outcomes?
Join us for an evening with Evelyn Forget and Marni Brownell in conversation with Marcella Alsan to discuss the impact unconditional cash transfers have on health outcomes. Forget will present her research on the influence of the Canadian Mincome experiment on health and wellbeing and Brownell will share the effects of the Healthy Baby Program’s prenatal benefit on maternal and child health outcomes.
Evelyn L. Forget is an economics Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba and Academic Director of the Manitoba Research Data Centre. She is also an adjunct scientist with the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and a research associate with the MB First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research. Forget has extensively investigated the health impacts of the Mincome, an experimental Canadian guaranteed annual income experiment that was held in Manitoba during the 1970s. Her current research focuses on the health and social consequences of antipoverty programs and policies and the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions.
Marni Brownell is the Associate Director, Research and a Senior Research scientist at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. She is also professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences in the Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba. She trained as a developmental psychologist, and is the recipient of the MCHP Endowed Population-Based Child Health Research Fund. Dr. Brownell’s research program is centered on the social determinants of health and well-being of children, developing population-level indicators of child health, and evaluations of programs designed to improve child development and family functioning. Among her principal investigations include the evaluation of the Province of Manitoba’s Healthy Baby Program.
Marcella Alsan is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Stanford University and a member of the Center for Health Policy. Alsan’s research focuses on the relationship between health and socioeconomic disparities with a focus on infectious disease
- Evelyn Forget
- Marni Brownell
- Marcella Alsan
Event Sponsor: McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society, Basic Income Lab
Contact Email: basicincomelab@stanford.edu
Contact Phone: 650.498.1733